Artsen Zonder Grenzen / Médecins Sans Frontières
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) ConnectedThe home of Doctors without Borders in Amsterdam needed an upgrade and renovation. Goal was to encourage the social character of the organisation and stimulate collaboration between different departments and the field.
Keyword of the renovation is ‘modest’, given the organisations’ aim: projects in the field.
Besides the renovation of the façade, the interior received a couple of distinctive spatial interventions to make the structure of the building recognizable again. By opening the ground level towards the garden and the street, visibility and light are tremendously enhanced. Connections between floors are improved by voids and a huge tribune. All functionalities are situated in the core of the building, to create open office spaces.
Multiple materials are re-used, like the original steel window frames now appear in the interior as glass showcases with plants. Visitors, employees and field staff receive a warm welcome at the entrance desk made of former boulders.